
This section contains information about the electrophysiology datasets. These datasets were collected using high-density extracellular electrophysiology probes called Neuropixels probes.

Visual Coding#

The Visual Coding – Neuropixels dataset uses six Neuropixels probes to record spikes from a wide variety of regions in the mouse brain. Our experiments were specifically designed to study the activity of the visual cortex and thalamus in the context of passive visual stimulation.

Visual Behavior#

The Visual Behavior – Neuropixels dataset consists of electrophysiological recordings of neural activity in mice performing a visual change detection task. Each experiment includes data from up to six Neuropixels probes recording simultaneously in cortex, hippocampus, thalamus and midbrain, while mice were exposed to different sensory and behavioral contexts, including familiar and novel stimuli, as well as active and passive stimulus blocks.

Cell Type Look-Up Table#

The cell type look-up table dataset is a collection of recordings taken from the mouse striatum with the goal of collecting a ground truth data set detailing the responses of different striatal cell types.