Compare Trial Types#

The following example shows how to access behavioral and neural data for a given recording session and create plots for different trial types

Make sure that you have the AllenSDK installed in your environment


import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

%matplotlib notebook
%matplotlib inline
# Import allenSDK and check the version, which should be >2.10.2
import allensdk
# import the behavior ophys project cache class from SDK to be able to load the data
from allensdk.brain_observatory.behavior.behavior_project_cache import VisualBehaviorOphysProjectCache
/opt/envs/allensdk/lib/python3.10/site-packages/tqdm/ TqdmWarning: IProgress not found. Please update jupyter and ipywidgets. See
  from .autonotebook import tqdm as notebook_tqdm

Load the cache and get data for one experiment#

# Set the path to the dataset
cache_dir = '/root/capsule/data/'
# If you are working with data in the cloud in Code Ocean,
# or if you have already downloaded the full dataset to your local machine,
# you can instantiate a local cache
# cache = VisualBehaviorOphysProjectCache.from_local_cache(cache_dir=cache_dir, use_static_cache=True)

# If you are working with the data locally for the first time, you need to instantiate the cache from S3:
cache = VisualBehaviorOphysProjectCache.from_local_cache(cache_dir=cache_dir, use_static_cache=True)
#cache = VisualBehaviorOphysProjectCache.from_s3_cache(cache_dir=cache_dir)
/opt/envs/allensdk/lib/python3.10/site-packages/allensdk/brain_observatory/behavior/behavior_project_cache/ UpdatedStimulusPresentationTableWarning: 
	As of AllenSDK version 2.16.0, the latest Visual Behavior Ophys data has been significantly updated from previous releases. Specifically the user will need to update all processing of the stimulus_presentations tables. These tables now include multiple stimulus types delineated by the columns `stimulus_block` and `stimulus_block_name`.

The data that was available in previous releases are stored in the block name containing 'change_detection' and can be accessed in the pandas table by using: 
ophys_experiment_table = cache.get_ophys_experiment_table()

Look at a sample of the experiment table#

behavior_session_id ophys_session_id ophys_container_id mouse_id indicator full_genotype driver_line cre_line reporter_line sex ... passive experience_level prior_exposures_to_session_type prior_exposures_to_image_set prior_exposures_to_omissions date_of_acquisition equipment_name published_at isi_experiment_id file_id
1010556655 1010371498 1010346697 1018027809 499478 GCaMP6f Vip-IRES-Cre/wt;Ai148(TIT2L-GC6f-ICL-tTA2)/wt [Vip-IRES-Cre] Vip-IRES-Cre Ai148(TIT2L-GC6f-ICL-tTA2) F ... False Novel 1 0 0 4 2020-02-26 09:28:33.055000+00:00 MESO.1 2021-08-12 994736136 181
881003493 880776648 880709154 1018027561 451787 GCaMP6f Slc17a7-IRES2-Cre/wt;Camk2a-tTA/wt;Ai93(TITL-G... [Slc17a7-IRES2-Cre, Camk2a-tTA] Slc17a7-IRES2-Cre Ai93(TITL-GCaMP6f) M ... False Familiar 0 21 0 2019-06-04 12:49:18.225000+00:00 MESO.1 2021-03-25 846136902 678
938003662 937783930 937364655 929913236 468866 GCaMP6f Vip-IRES-Cre/wt;Ai148(TIT2L-GC6f-ICL-tTA2)/wt [Vip-IRES-Cre] Vip-IRES-Cre Ai148(TIT2L-GC6f-ICL-tTA2) F ... False Familiar 1 15 1 2019-09-03 13:01:04.774000+00:00 CAM2P.4 2021-03-25 885422294 1832
1039163367 1039044979 1038963428 1037672789 513630 GCaMP6f Slc17a7-IRES2-Cre/wt;Camk2a-tTA/wt;Ai93(TITL-G... [Slc17a7-IRES2-Cre, Camk2a-tTA] Slc17a7-IRES2-Cre Ai93(TITL-GCaMP6f) F ... False Familiar 1 27 2 2020-07-28 11:49:01.988000+00:00 MESO.1 2021-08-12 1023996339 1551
1076531985 1076262188 1076239955 1074913360 544965 GCaMP6f Sst-IRES-Cre/wt;Ai148(TIT2L-GC6f-ICL-tTA2)/wt [Sst-IRES-Cre] Sst-IRES-Cre Ai148(TIT2L-GC6f-ICL-tTA2) M ... False Familiar 1 43 1 2021-01-13 10:43:39.354000+00:00 MESO.1 2021-08-12 1053696193 1121

5 rows × 30 columns

Here are all of the unique session types#

array(['OPHYS_1_images_A', 'OPHYS_1_images_B', 'OPHYS_1_images_G',
       'OPHYS_2_images_A_passive', 'OPHYS_2_images_B_passive',
       'OPHYS_2_images_G_passive', 'OPHYS_3_images_A', 'OPHYS_3_images_B',
       'OPHYS_3_images_G', 'OPHYS_4_images_A', 'OPHYS_4_images_B',
       'OPHYS_4_images_H', 'OPHYS_5_images_A_passive',
       'OPHYS_5_images_B_passive', 'OPHYS_5_images_H_passive',
       'OPHYS_6_images_A', 'OPHYS_6_images_B', 'OPHYS_6_images_H'],

Select an OPHYS_1_images_A experiment, load the experiment data#

experiment_id = ophys_experiment_table.query('session_type == "OPHYS_1_images_A"').sample(random_state=10).index[0]
print('getting experiment data for experiment_id {}'.format(experiment_id))
ophys_experiment = cache.get_behavior_ophys_experiment(experiment_id)
getting experiment data for experiment_id 1085840400
/opt/envs/allensdk/lib/python3.10/site-packages/hdmf/ UserWarning: Ignoring cached namespace 'core' version 2.6.0-alpha because version 2.7.0 is already loaded.
  return func(args[0], **pargs)

Look at task performance data#

We can see that the d-prime metric, a measure of discrimination performance, peaked at 2.14 during this session, indicating mid-range performance.
(d’ = 0 means no discrimination performance, d’ is infinite for perfect performance, but is limited to about 4.5 this dataset due to trial count limitations).

{'trial_count': 454,
 'go_trial_count': 334,
 'catch_trial_count': 48,
 'hit_trial_count': 33,
 'miss_trial_count': 301,
 'false_alarm_trial_count': 1,
 'correct_reject_trial_count': 47,
 'auto_reward_count': 5,
 'earned_reward_count': 33,
 'total_reward_count': 38,
 'total_reward_volume': 0.256,
 'maximum_reward_rate': 2.860105184605357,
 'engaged_trial_count': 68,
 'mean_hit_rate': 0.12196894640281876,
 'mean_hit_rate_uncorrected': 0.1148300747554362,
 'mean_hit_rate_engaged': 0.2722870777110328,
 'mean_false_alarm_rate': 0.07059889644968179,
 'mean_false_alarm_rate_uncorrected': 0.020957227763510482,
 'mean_false_alarm_rate_engaged': 0.05736544779097969,
 'mean_dprime': 0.019241657181077048,
 'mean_dprime_engaged': 0.9736703202887197,
 'max_dprime': 1.321681073934908,
 'max_dprime_engaged': 1.3119564166604674}

We can build a trial dataframe that tells us about behavior events on every trial. This can be merged with a rolling performance dataframe, which calculates behavioral performance metrics over a rolling window of 100 trials (excluding aborted trials, or trials where the animal licks prematurely).

trials_df = ophys_experiment.trials.merge(
    ophys_experiment.get_rolling_performance_df().fillna(method='ffill'), # performance data is NaN on aborted trials. Fill forward to populate.
    left_index = True,
    right_index = True
start_time stop_time initial_image_name change_image_name is_change change_time go catch lick_times response_time ... aborted auto_rewarded change_frame trial_length reward_rate hit_rate_raw hit_rate false_alarm_rate_raw false_alarm_rate rolling_dprime
0 308.98272 316.25530 im065 im077 True 312.021593 False False [312.48555, 312.73578, 312.90259, 313.05271, 3... 312.48555 ... False True 18166 7.27258 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
1 316.48885 316.85579 im077 im077 False NaN False False [316.5389] NaN ... True False -99 0.36694 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
2 317.23947 318.17356 im077 im077 False NaN False False [317.87332] NaN ... True False -99 0.93409 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
3 318.74067 328.26515 im077 im061 True 324.031413 False False [324.42868, 324.56211, 324.69556, 324.84573, 3... 324.42868 ... False True 18886 9.52448 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
4 328.49870 337.30587 im061 im077 True 333.055463 False False [333.48607, 333.73628, 333.90307, 334.05318, 3... 333.48607 ... False True 19427 8.80717 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN

5 rows × 27 columns

Now we can plot performance over the full experiment duration#

fig, ax = plt.subplots(2, 1, figsize = (15,5), sharex=True)

ax[0].plot(trials_df['start_time']/60., trials_df['hit_rate'], color='darkgreen')

ax[0].plot(trials_df['start_time']/60., trials_df['false_alarm_rate'], color='darkred')

ax[0].legend(['rolling hit rate', 'rolling false alarm rate'])

ax[1].plot(trials_df['start_time']/60., trials_df['rolling_dprime'], color='black')

ax[1].set_xlabel('trial start time (minutes)')
ax[0].set_ylabel('response rate')
ax[0].set_title('hit and false alarm rates')


Some key observations:

  • The hit rate remains high for the first ~46 minutes of the session

  • The false alarm rate gradual declines during the first ~25 minutes of the session.

  • d’ peaks when the hit rate is still high, but the false alarm rate dips

  • The hit rate and d’ fall off dramatically after ~46 minutes. This is likely due to the animal becoming sated and losing motivation to perform

Plot neural data, behavior, and stimulus information for a trial#

Stimulus presentations#

Lets look at the dataframe of stimulus presentations. This tells us the attributes of every stimulus that was shown in the session

stimulus_presentations = ophys_experiment.stimulus_presentations
stimulus_block stimulus_block_name image_index image_name movie_frame_index duration start_time end_time start_frame end_frame is_change is_image_novel omitted movie_repeat flashes_since_change trials_id is_sham_change active stimulus_name
0 0 initial_gray_screen_5min -99 NaN -99 309.019143 0.000000 309.019143 0 17986 False <NA> <NA> -99 0 -99 False False spontaneous
1 1 change_detection_behavior 0 im065 -99 0.250200 309.019143 309.269343 17986 18001 False False False -99 1 0 False True Natural_Images_Lum_Matched_set_training_2017
2 1 change_detection_behavior 0 im065 -99 0.250180 309.769753 310.019933 18031 18046 False False False -99 2 0 False True Natural_Images_Lum_Matched_set_training_2017
3 1 change_detection_behavior 0 im065 -99 0.250200 310.520343 310.770543 18076 18091 False False False -99 3 0 False True Natural_Images_Lum_Matched_set_training_2017
4 1 change_detection_behavior 0 im065 -99 0.250200 311.270953 311.521153 18121 18136 False False False -99 4 0 False True Natural_Images_Lum_Matched_set_training_2017

To select information about stimuli in change detection behavior task only, we need to filter our table by stimulus block name.

stimulus_presentations = stimulus_presentations[stimulus_presentations.stimulus_block_name=='change_detection_behavior'].copy()

Note that there is an image name called ‘omitted’. This represents the time that a stimulus would have been shown, had it not been omitted from the regular stimulus cadence. They are included here for ease of analysis, but it’s important to note that they are not actually stimuli. They are the lack of expected stimuli.

stimulus_presentations.query('image_name == "omitted"').head()
stimulus_block stimulus_block_name image_index image_name movie_frame_index duration start_time end_time start_frame end_frame is_change is_image_novel omitted movie_repeat flashes_since_change trials_id is_sham_change active stimulus_name
17 1 change_detection_behavior 8 omitted -99 0.25 321.028963 321.278963 18706 18721 False <NA> True -99 11 3 False True Natural_Images_Lum_Matched_set_training_2017
25 1 change_detection_behavior 8 omitted -99 0.25 327.033833 327.283833 19066 19081 False <NA> True -99 3 3 False True Natural_Images_Lum_Matched_set_training_2017
37 1 change_detection_behavior 8 omitted -99 0.25 336.057873 336.307873 19607 19622 False <NA> True -99 3 4 False True Natural_Images_Lum_Matched_set_training_2017
63 1 change_detection_behavior 8 omitted -99 0.25 355.573823 355.823823 20777 20792 False <NA> True -99 4 7 False True Natural_Images_Lum_Matched_set_training_2017
66 1 change_detection_behavior 8 omitted -99 0.25 357.825693 358.075693 20912 20927 False <NA> True -99 6 8 False True Natural_Images_Lum_Matched_set_training_2017

Running speed#

One entry for each read of the analog input line monitoring the encoder voltage, polled at ~60 Hz.

timestamps speed
0 8.97085 -0.027868
1 8.98751 0.056828
2 9.00421 0.121953
3 9.02091 0.154047
4 9.03756 0.148629


One entry for every detected lick onset time, assigned the time of the corresponding visual stimulus frame.

timestamps frame
0 10.88909 115
1 13.17429 252
2 13.25767 257
3 13.35777 263
4 13.47453 270

Eye tracking data#

One entry containing ellipse fit parameters for the eye, pupil and corneal reflection for every frame of the eye tracking video stream.

timestamps cr_area eye_area pupil_area likely_blink pupil_area_raw cr_area_raw eye_area_raw cr_center_x cr_center_y ... eye_center_x eye_center_y eye_width eye_height eye_phi pupil_center_x pupil_center_y pupil_width pupil_height pupil_phi
0 0.12895 120.778985 52646.046976 9467.868055 False 9467.868055 120.778985 52646.046976 304.855877 238.850452 ... 321.614711 229.150072 148.455382 112.880766 -0.040543 284.593634 219.583658 54.897322 46.068901 -0.741087
1 0.15369 115.944914 52448.649649 10145.403510 False 10145.403510 115.944914 52448.649649 304.125448 240.159601 ... 320.796911 229.198209 148.349421 112.537842 -0.036200 282.597206 216.890346 56.827654 43.674891 -0.650310
2 0.17215 120.194858 52110.324268 10430.167825 False 10430.167825 120.194858 52110.324268 304.436750 242.135068 ... 319.853374 231.950317 148.468978 111.721867 -0.046359 283.692110 223.351216 47.981925 57.619663 0.643652
3 0.21069 112.516058 51693.903652 10825.284266 False 10825.284266 112.516058 51693.903652 304.122429 241.159250 ... 321.063479 230.763062 148.371626 110.901802 -0.042321 282.785915 222.177822 46.984507 58.700894 0.606463
4 0.24880 112.314878 52186.596867 10278.561636 False 10278.561636 112.314878 52186.596867 304.529129 239.723128 ... 321.497389 228.294415 148.304450 112.009517 -0.038966 283.189635 219.170357 47.385991 57.199369 0.654353

5 rows × 23 columns

Neural data as deltaF/F#

One row per cell, with each containing an array of deltaF/F values.

cell_roi_id dff
1120118128 1115339979 [2.7728134118137593, 2.7377723001149357, 1.332...
1120118208 1115339983 [0.3466408785876189, 0.4530561213911281, 0.347...
1120118626 1115340014 [0.6086096210226783, 0.65493126738475, 0.73593...
1120118698 1115340017 [0.9173731088455804, 0.282220484734575, 0.3718...
1120118967 1115340030 [0.30710398969593, 0.44648909591684693, 0.0910...

We can convert the dff_traces to long-form (aka “tidy”) as follows:#

def get_cell_timeseries_dict(dataset, cell_specimen_id):
    for a given cell_specimen ID, this function creates a dictionary with the following keys
    * timestamps: ophys timestamps
    * cell_roi_id
    * cell_specimen_id
    * dff
    This is useful for generating a tidy dataframe, which can enable easier plotting of timeseries data

        session object
    cell_dict = {
        'timestamps': dataset.ophys_timestamps,
        'cell_roi_id': [dataset.dff_traces.loc[cell_specimen_id]['cell_roi_id']] * len(dataset.ophys_timestamps),
        'cell_specimen_id': [cell_specimen_id] * len(dataset.ophys_timestamps),
        'dff': dataset.dff_traces.loc[cell_specimen_id]['dff'],

    return cell_dict

ophys_experiment.tidy_dff_traces = pd.concat(
    [pd.DataFrame(get_cell_timeseries_dict(ophys_experiment, cell_specimen_id)) for cell_specimen_id in ophys_experiment.dff_traces.reset_index()['cell_specimen_id']]).reset_index(drop=True)

timestamps cell_roi_id cell_specimen_id dff
7340263 1476.03806 1115340637 1120133850 -0.028253
1114636 599.25295 1115340135 1120121598 0.024439
4607792 2808.29969 1115340450 1120134006 -0.062110
6050931 2574.39288 1115340543 1120133281 -0.037504
5651892 1308.53622 1115340514 1120133058 0.025896

Plot all the data streams for different trial types#

We can look at a few trial types in some detail

Define plotting functions#

First define functions to plot the different data streams:

each stimulus as a colored vertical bar
running speed
pupil area
neural responses (dF/F)
def add_image_colors(stimulus_presentations):
    Add a column to stimulus_presentations called 'color' with a unique color for each image in the session
    # gather image names but exclude image_name=='omitted'
    unique_stimuli = [stimulus for stimulus in stimulus_presentations['image_name'].unique() if stimulus != 'omitted']
    # assign a color for each unique stimulus
    colormap = {image_name: sns.color_palette()[image_number] for image_number, image_name in enumerate(np.sort(unique_stimuli))}
    colormap['omitted'] = [1, 1, 1] # assign white to omitted
    # add color column to stimulus presentations
    stimulus_presentations['color'] = stimulus_presentations['image_name'].map(lambda image_name: colormap[image_name])
    return stimulus_presentations

def plot_stimuli(trial, ax):
    plot stimuli as colored bars on specified axis
    stimuli = ophys_experiment.stimulus_presentations.query("stimulus_block_name == 'change_detection_behavior'").copy()
    stimuli = add_image_colors(stimuli)
    stimuli = stimuli[(stimuli.end_time >= trial['start_time'].values[0]) & 
                      (stimuli.start_time <= trial['stop_time'].values[0])]
    for idx, stimulus in stimuli.iterrows():
        ax.axvspan(stimulus['start_time'], stimulus['end_time'], color=stimulus['color'], alpha=0.5)
    return ax

def plot_running(trial, ax):
    plot running speed for trial on specified axes
    trial_running_speed = ophys_experiment.running_speed.copy()
    trial_running_speed = trial_running_speed[(trial_running_speed.timestamps >= trial['start_time'].values[0]) & 
                                              (trial_running_speed.timestamps <= trial['stop_time'].values[0])]
    ax.plot(trial_running_speed['timestamps'], trial_running_speed['speed'], color='black')
    ax.set_title('running speed')
    ax.set_ylabel('speed (cm/s)')
    return ax

def plot_licks(trial, ax):
    plot licks as black dots on specified axis
    trial_licks = ophys_experiment.licks.copy()
    trial_licks = trial_licks[(trial_licks.timestamps >= trial['start_time'].values[0]) & 
                              (trial_licks.timestamps <= trial['stop_time'].values[0])]
    ax.plot(trial_licks['timestamps'], np.zeros_like(trial_licks['timestamps']),
            marker = 'o', linestyle = 'none', color='black')
    return ax

def plot_rewards(trial, ax):
    plot rewards as blue diamonds on specified axis
    trial_rewards = ophys_experiment.rewards.copy()
    trial_rewards = trial_rewards[(trial_rewards.timestamps >= trial['start_time'].values[0]) & 
                                  (trial_rewards.timestamps <= trial['stop_time'].values[0])]
    ax.plot(trial_rewards['timestamps'], np.zeros_like(trial_rewards['timestamps']),
            marker = 'd', linestyle = 'none', color='blue', markersize = 10, alpha = 0.25)
    return ax

def plot_pupil(trial, ax):
    plot pupil area on specified axis
    trial_eye_tracking = ophys_experiment.eye_tracking.copy()
    trial_eye_tracking = trial_eye_tracking[(trial_eye_tracking.timestamps >= trial['start_time'].values[0]) &
                                            (trial_eye_tracking.timestamps <= trial['stop_time'].values[0])]
    ax.plot(trial_eye_tracking['timestamps'], trial_eye_tracking['pupil_area'], color='black')
    ax.set_title('pupil area')
    ax.set_ylabel('pupil area\n')
    return ax

def plot_dff(trial, ax):
    plot each cell's dff response for a given trial
    # get the tidy dataframe of dff traces we created earlier
    trial_dff_traces = ophys_experiment.tidy_dff_traces.copy()
    # filter to get this trial
    trial_dff_traces = trial_dff_traces[(trial_dff_traces.timestamps >= trial['start_time'].values[0]) & 
                                        (trial_dff_traces.timestamps <= trial['stop_time'].values[0])]
    # plot each cell
    for cell_specimen_id in ophys_experiment.tidy_dff_traces['cell_specimen_id'].unique():
        ax.plot(trial_dff_traces[trial_dff_traces.cell_specimen_id == cell_specimen_id]['timestamps'],
                trial_dff_traces[trial_dff_traces.cell_specimen_id == cell_specimen_id]['dff'])
        ax.set_title('deltaF/F responses')
    return ax

def make_trial_plot(trial):
    combine all plots for a given trial
    fig, axes = plt.subplots(4, 1, figsize = (15, 8), sharex=True)

    for ax in axes:
        plot_stimuli(trial, ax)

    plot_running(trial, axes[0])

    plot_licks(trial, axes[1])
    plot_rewards(trial, axes[1])

    axes[1].set_title('licks and rewards')

    plot_pupil(trial, axes[2])

    plot_dff(trial, axes[3])

    axes[3].set_xlabel('time in session (seconds)')
    return fig, axes

Here is a hit trial#

Index(['stimulus_block', 'stimulus_block_name', 'image_index', 'image_name',
       'movie_frame_index', 'duration', 'start_time', 'end_time',
       'start_frame', 'end_frame', 'is_change', 'is_image_novel', 'omitted',
       'movie_repeat', 'flashes_since_change', 'trials_id', 'is_sham_change',
       'active', 'stimulus_name'],
trials = ophys_experiment.trials.copy()
trial = trials[trials.hit==True].sample()
fig, axes = make_trial_plot(trial)


  • The image identity changed just after t = 2361 seconds (note the color change in the vertical spans)

  • The animal was running steadily prior to the image change, then slowed to a stop after the change

  • The first lick occurred about 500 ms after the change, and triggered an immediate reward

  • The pupil area shows some missing data - these were points that were filtered out as outliers.

  • There appears to be one neuron that was responding regularly to the stimulus prior to the change.

Here is a miss trial#

trial = ophys_experiment.trials.query('miss').sample()
fig, axes = make_trial_plot(trial)


  • The image identity changed just after t = 824 seconds (note the color change in the vertical spans)

  • The animal was running relatively steadily during the entire trial and did not slow after the stimulus identity change

  • There were no licks or rewards on this trial

  • The pupil area shows some missing data - these were points that were filtered out as outliers.

  • One neuron had a large response just prior to the change, but none appear to be stimulus locked on this trial

Here is a false alarm trial#

trial = ophys_experiment.trials.query('false_alarm').sample()
fig, axes = make_trial_plot(trial)


  • The image identity was consistent during the entire trial

  • The animal slowed and licked partway through the trial

  • There were no rewards on this trial

  • The pupil area shows some missing data - these were points that were filtered out as outliers.

  • There were not any neurons with obvious stimulus locked responses

And finally, a correct rejection#

trial = ophys_experiment.trials.query('correct_reject').sample()
fig, axes = make_trial_plot(trial)


  • The image identity was consistent during the entire trial

  • The animal did not slow or lick during this trial

  • There were no rewards on this trial