
This section contains information about the calcium imaging datasets. For these datasets, neural activity was recorded using Two-photon calcium imaging. Transgenic tools were used to target the expression of a fluorescent calcium indicator, GCaMP, to a specific population of neurons.

Visual Coding#

The Visual Coding 2-photon dataset is a survey of in vivo physiological activity in the awake mouse visual cortex. We collected data across six different visual cortical areas, including V1 and five HVAs, using 14 Transgenic lines, and across the cortical layers. During imaging, mice were awake, head-fixed under the microscope and positioned on a running disk that enabled them to run at will (see here). The mice passively viewed an assortment of visual stimuli presented on a monitor.

Visual Behavior#

The Visual Behavior Ophys dataset measured the activity of genetically identified neurons in the visual cortex of mice performing a go/no-go visual Change Detection Task. The same population of neurons was recorded over multiple days with varying sensory and behavioral contexts, including familiar and novel stimuli, and passive exposure sessions. This dataset can be used to evaluate the influence of experience, expectation, and task engagement on neural coding and dynamics in excitatory and inhibitory cell populations.